Prof. RajMohan Gandhi
Grandson of Mahatma Gandhi

I am the son of the son of Mahatma Gandhi but Dr Bindeshwar Pathak is the son of his soul. If we were to go to meet Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, he would first greet Dr Pathak for the noble work that he is doing and then meet me. Dr Pathak has restored human rights and…

Dr Mulk Raj Anand
A noted writer

What Abraham Lincoln did for Blacks in America, Dr Pathak has done for scavengers in India. Both are great redeemers.

Sir Richard Jolly
Special Advisor to the Administrator UNDP, Chairman, Collaboration Council for Drinking Water and Sanitation

The centre of Sulabh is everything I imagined and much more. A centre of inspiration, liberation and human vitality. I will remember forever this visit and remain a disciple and willing promotee of their wonderful ideas and activities in an area most people are too shy even to talk about. Nearly everything which works began…

Boutros-Boutros Ghali
former Secretary General of United Nations

I read with great sympathy your account of the situation of the scavengers community, and I congratulate you on the work which you are doing on its behalf. I am sure your International Saint Francis Prize for the Environment was richly deserved.

I.K. Gujral
former Prime Minister of India

The Sulabh movement is indeed a reminder and jolt to conscience. It is performing the double task of socially rehabilitating the suffering segment of our society and providing healthy and clean municipal life. It deserves all support.

Dr Wally N’Dow
Secretary-General, Habitat

Dr Pathak’s work is very seminal. It is humane and educative

Klaus Toepfer
Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme

As a staunch defender of the environment, UNEP is honoured to pay tribute to your commitment and we hope that this recognition ‘Global 500 Roll of Honour’ will encourage you to continue your work. Please accept my heartfelt congratulations.

Dr Karan Singh
former Union Minister, diplomat, great scholar and Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha)

For his social reform movement, Dr Pathak can be compared to Dayanand Saraswati and Raja Ram Mohan Roy.

Dr A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
Ex President of India

One organisation which works to improve the state for sanitation in the country is Sulabh, founded by Dr Bindeshwar Pathak in 1970. Sulabh is the largest internationally recognized pan-Indian social service outfit with over 35,000 volunteers. It began through Pathak’s desire to help scavengers-men and women who carry and dispose of human excreta. He developed…

Margaret Catley-Carlson
Global Water Partnership

Technology from Sulabh can help alleviate the water and sanitation problems in a big way if replicated in other countries. We can achieve the MDGs within the prescribed period with the help of a social organization like Sulabh.

Dr Jan P. Pronk
Chairman, Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council

Now that the world is shrinking, leaders of the world unite to initiate a global approach to the problems of sanitation and water supply which have also become a tool for social change. In this field, the role of Sulabh International Social Service Organization is crucial. Sulabh is a known name not only in India…

Roberto Lenton
Chairman of the U.N. Millennium Development Goal (MDG) Task Force on Water and Sanitation

The Sulabh technology is revolutionary. The efficacy of the system lies in its cost effectiveness and hence can be accepted globally. We are definitely going to mention Sulabh technologies and initiatives in our report.

Bimal Jalan
Former Governor of the Reserve Bank of India

International experience in the management of public services shows that delivery of services can be vastly improved if a distinction is made between the ownership of these services (by the government) and the delivery of such services (by private and local enterprises). Thus, a compilation of twenty-four case studies from twelve countries all over the…

Rose George
A noted writer in DOING GOOD WELL

Pathak founded the organization Sulabh International in 1970. It is now India’s largest charity, with 50,000 on its staff. Millions of Indians have installed the Sulabh Shauchalaya latrine. Of more interest to non-Indians will be the half a million* public toilets that Sulabh had built all over India. Every day, ten million Indians–and plenty of relieved foreign travellers–use…

Tarun Khanna
Jorge Paulo Lehmann Professor, Harvard Business School in BILLIONS OF ENTREPRENEURS

Sulabh created a low-cost toilet technology that not only helped maintain sanitation but also restored the dignity of millions of “scavengers”, the cleaners of human excreta who are traditionally untouchables. The West’s toilet technology, composed of sewage and septic tanks, was unaffordable for India’s teeming millions. Pathak’s technology relies on two simple pits and sealed…

Nandan Nilekani
Co-chairman, Infosys Technologies Ltd. in IMAGINING INDIA

In India we have already witnessed the dramatic impact that ordinary citizens can have. Bindeshwar Pathak’s invention of the dry toilet – the Sulabh shauchalya, built to function with little water and a selfcleaning pit – has done more than any bans on discrimination in helping put an end to the sordid work of manual…

Willie Cheng
A noted writer in DOING GOOD WELL

Besides governments, there are many other non-profit organizations seeking to alleviate some of the world’s problems caused by poor sanitation. Through the WTO, I met another impressive social entrepreneur, Dr Bindeshwar Pathak, founder of the Sulabh International Social Service Organization. Sulabh builds affordable, eco-friendly and hygienic toilets in rural and urban India. It is the…

HRH Willem-Alexander
the Prince of Orange of the Netherlands Chairman of the United Nations’ Secretary-General’s Advisory Board of Water and Sanitation (UNSGAB) In Launch of International Year of Sanitation New York on November 21, 2007

Sulabh International showed me a good example during my recent visit to New Delhi. This organization has proved how effective small-scale solutions can be and how they can be extended all over India within a short time span. Thousands of ‘Pay and Use’ public toilet-cum-bath complexes and more than a million pour-flush latrines in private…

Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil
The Hon’ble President (on 25th July, 2008)

I congratulate you on what you have achieved, which you richly deserve, for which there is no comparison. You have done such a great job and I would like to tell you that Dr Bindeshwar Pathak has brought about a revolution, a very big revolution. Financial revolution can come about and can be brought about,…

Prof. Hidemi Yoshid
Associate Professor Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan on March 11, 2015

Dr Pathak contributions are unparalleled and only one of its kind in the world.

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